General terms of use

The general conditions aim to define the terms of use for each user. To find out more about our terms and conditions, please visit this page.

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Any user of this website is deemed to have read the conditions of use which are permanently accessible at the following address The acceptance of the conditions of use is complete and relates to all the conditions of use which form an indivisible whole. Users cannot choose to have only a part of the general conditions applied to them or to enter reservations.

Any user who does not accept the terms of use must imperatively and without delay, stop browsing on the following website:



The following website aimed to introduce the company POINT S and in particular, to allow users:

- To know the values and philosophy of the POINT S’s network,

- To know the products and services that POINT S sells as well as its various points of sale,

- To find the nearest point of sale and/or the point of sale selling the products and services which interest them or are likely to interest them,

- To allow users to subscribe to the newsletter and to the game contest offered by Tractafric Motors Camerounexclusive POINT S in Cameroon.

No product and/or service described by POINT S is sold via the website but exclusively via its various points of sale.



The conditions of use may be modified by POINT S at any time, in particular in the event of technical and/or legal changes or when new services and/or new functionalities are introduced.

The user must regularly check the conditions of use and agrees to cease all browsing on the website in the event of disapproval of them.



This website and all the elements which compose it are the exclusive property of POINT S and its affiliated companies as the case may be and are governed by the ivorian and international legislation on the intellectual and industrial property right.  

Any copy, reproduction or extraction of the website as a whole or in one of its components is prohibited and constitutes a counterfeiting.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, transmission, distortion, total or partial of one of the components of the website are therefore strictly prohibited, whatever the process and support used.



Please consult our Privacy Policy and Cookies page.


In case of dispute or claim arising from the user or POINT S relating to the use of the website, and/or in the event of difficulty on the interpretation or execution of the conditions of use, the parties shall seek to resolve their dispute amicably. 

In case of persistent disagreement, any dispute that may arise between the parties shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts.

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