Privacy Policy & Cookies

This website uses cookies to enable us to perform statistical analysis. You can set your web browser to limit the type of cookies you allow. For more information, please see our policy.

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Identity of the Data Controllers and of the Data Protection Officer

The joint Data Controllers are:

  • POINT S DEVELOPMENT, simplified joint-stock company registered in the Lyon Trade and Companies Register under number 491 028 627 with headquarters at 9, rue Curie, Lyon (69006)

The Data Protection Officer can be reached at the following address: 

  • Tractafric Motors Cameroun, SA with a capital of 1 272 702 224 FCFA, Registered at RCCM : RC/DLA/1983/B/9485 Douala | Contribuable M 098300000302-T (237) 694216808 // 233379083, the headquarter is located at 396 Boulevard du Général Leclerc Akwa-Beach BP :4181 Douala


Data collected:

Data collected by the Data Controller concerns the following user information: their name, address, email address, telephone number, IP address, connection and browsing data, products viewed, order history and possible claims, the make, model, date of issue and mileage for the customer's vehicle and the date they obtained a driving licence.  


Purposes and legal basis for processing:

The purposes of treatment which personal data is used for are:

  • the personalisation of services, in particular such as advice concerning products or services to be used or subscribed to, with predicted review dates,
  • the transmission of notifications by post or in digital format concerning new services, present services and future services,
  • the transmission of current and future promotional offers,
  • the transmission of advice concerning the use of products or services,
  • commercial prospection.

The processing of user personal data, based on Article 6, Paragraph 1, Point f of the General Data Protection Regulation is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller. 

The Data Controller shall use the personal data of users and carry out profiling in the meaning of Article 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation for the purposes of:

  • enabling maintenance of the continued commercial relationship between the Data Controller and the user.
  • providing, improving, covering and marketing its services, 
  • discovering the preferences of its user so as to personalise its provisions and to offer products and services which correspond most appropriately to their needs.

The present agreement notifies the user as to the treatment of their data, as well as to the reasons why all operations carried out on the aforementioned data is required.


Purposes and legal basis for processing:

The purposes of treatment which personal data is used for are:

  • the personalisation of services, in particular such as advice concerning products or services to be used or subscribed to, with predicted review dates,
  • the transmission of notifications by post or in digital format concerning new services, present services and future services,
  • the transmission of current and future promotional offers,
  • the transmission of advice concerning the use of products or services,
  • commercial prospection.

The processing of user personal data, based on Article 6, Paragraph 1, Point f of the General Data Protection Regulation is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller. 

The Data Controller shall use the personal data of users and carry out profiling in the meaning of Article 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation for the purposes of:

  • enabling maintenance of the continued commercial relationship between the Data Controller and the user.
  • providing, improving, covering and marketing its services, 
  • discovering the preferences of its user so as to personalise its provisions and to offer products and services which correspond most appropriately to their needs.

The present agreement notifies the user as to the treatment of their data, as well as to the reasons why all operations carried out on the aforementioned data is required.

Recipients of personal data:

Data collected is received by the Data Controllers. Data may also be transmitted directly and/or indirectly to companies acting under the Point S name situated in the same area as the data controllers and/or subcontractors which the Data Controllers use within the framework of operation of their services. 


Duration of data storage:

Personal data is stored only for the duration necessary to manage the commercial relationship.


Transfer of data:

Within the framework of performance of operation of Point S and to optimise the quality of services, the Personal Data referred to above may be subject to transfer outside of France and/or to countries which are not members of the European Economic Area.

In respect to the purposes for which Personal Data was initially collected or to which you have expressly consented at a later stage, information recorded may only be communicated to the following recipients: 

  • the French legal entity Point S Development acting as a joint Data Controller,
  • any company acting under the Point S name, having access to the Personal Data within the framework of its operation, 
  • Skyway Data Center GmbH, hosting service, with its headquarters situated in Germany,
  • towards subcontractors which Point S may use within the framework of its operation,

The details of these subcontractors may be given on request via the address:

  • Any public or private authority to which we are obliged to communicate certain information by law. 

We will only provide these recipients with information which they require for the implementation of their services. We require these recipients to keep this information confidential and to only use the information for the performance of their services.  

At all events, each recipient of the Personal Data is bound to comply with applicable law, in particular the GDPR, and to implement all appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure and be able to demonstrate that processing takes place in accordance with regulations.

It is also possible that the transfer of Personal Data to a third-party country will take place. A third country is a country situated outside of the European Union or the European Economic Area in which it is not always possible to assume that the level of data protection is similar or comparable to that of the European Union. Prior to any transfer of data, we ensure that a sufficient level of protection is guaranteed within the country concerned or with the recipient located in a third-party country. This could result from an adequacy decision from the European Commission which ensures that an adequate level of data protection is guaranteed for a certain third-party country in a general manner.  In addition to this, we may also carry out data transfer based on a data protection clause adopted by the European Commission, or for recipients located in the United States, a valid EU-US Privacy Shield.


Right of access, modification and cancellation

The user may access data concerning them retained by the aforementioned recipients at any time and request their alteration or deletion. 

In this way, the user may request that information concerning them that is incorrect, incomplete or ambiguous be modified, completed, clarified, updated or deleted. 

All users may exercise this right and obtain a copy of communications concerning them by writing to:

The Data Protection Officer guarantees the user that their request will be processed within the best possible time frame, in any case within a period of one month counting from the receipt of the request by the Data Protection Officer.  In doing so, the Data Protection officer will provide them with information concerning the measures taken.

Within the framework of the present agreement, the user has the option to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority. 

Cookies and Google Analytics 

Point S is required to collect and store identification data relating to users for statistical purposes and to improve the technical performance of its site. 

This information is stored by Point S, in particular via the method of cookies or similar technologies such as Google Analytics.

The functions of Google Tag Manager are also activated on website URL:

The terms applicable the processing carried out using cookies can be accessed at the following address:

The following cookies may therefore be placed on the terminal or other of the user's devices: 

  • • Browser cookie: on first access, these cookies enable interfaces to function correctly and help the user to visualise content on their device by recognising their language and the country which they are connecting from. Browser cookies are technical cookies required for interface function.
  • • Analytical cookies: these cookies are used to develop statistical analyses regarding user methods of navigation. 

The configuration of each browser is different for the management of cookies. This is described in the browser help menu, which will inform you regarding the modification of cookie settings.


What is a cookie?

A "cookie" is a file installed on your device enabling information to be stored relating to your browsing on our website (language settings, connection time, pages visited etc.)  A cookie is sent as soon as you visit a site, this information is stored and allows your behaviour on our website to be tracked and analysed.

Almost all websites use cookies, although they vary from site to site. As a result, the cookies used by a website are not used by other sites.

Certain types of cookies only last for the duration of your web session and expire when you close your browser. Others are used to remember you when you visit our website again, and as a result these are stored for longer.

If your browser settings are configured to accept cookies, this gives us the information that you consent to our use of cookies. You reserve the option to change these settings on your device at any time to notify you when you receive a new cookie, or to disable cookies entirely.


How do we use cookies?

Cookies enable us to recognise your device in a unique manner, we can also identify the number of unique visitors which come to visit our site and thereby improve our website.   

We also use cookies for additional purposes:

  • to analyse the viewing habits of visitors to our site
  • to adapt content, including advertising, to your centres of interest and your favourite areas on our site
  • to conduct research with the aim of improving our content and our website in general
  • to prevent certain dishonest activities
  • to improve the level of security


How can I manage cookies?

You can manage the use of cookies directly within your browser settings. You'll find a help menu in your browser which will explain how to configure your preferences:

  • you can partially disable cookies
  • you can disable cookies entirely
  • or delete cookies according to your preferences. 
  • You can request to receive a notification as soon as you receive a new cookie or even prevent your browser from accepting new cookies. 

It is also possible to modify browser plug-in settings to disable or delete similar data, such as that of Flash cookies.

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